Let’s be honest. Most of us wait for winters indeed for its chilly nights and bonfires with friends but deep down inside, what we are really, actually psyched about is the fact that we’ll finally be able to wear our classy winter jackets that were suffocating inside the closet all this time. The love for summer and the sun shining bright on your skin is endless but the love for winters is divine and I bet all of you would agree that the charm of sipping a delicious coffee is incomparable to the charm of slurping a cold drink Whilst I had sworn to my dear self that I won't mention coffee or food in my blogs because winter has as it is made me gain a couple of Kgs, I couldn't stop myself.But no more winter and jackets, Mammamia! Without a better love story than the one between Damon and Elena where she is dead. Whoops! This year round, winter is the toughest and we are all worried about what to wear to work , parties, colleges etc. not everyone can pull of a coat like Anne ...