Perfect Wardrobes for the fans of Star Wars Star wars has been created by George Lucas. It is centered on a film series and it is an American space opera franchise. This film is all about the different adventures of various characters and it follows the main story of Anakin Skywalker with his son Luke. Star Wars is one of the popular and famous worldwide pop culture phenomenon. Star Wars film consists of two renowned sequels, Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes back. Cad Bane Star Wars Clone Wars Leather Costume When Clone Wars happened, Cad Bane appeared to be very peerless and transcendent blaster in the galaxy in Clone Wars. Cad Bane is special character of the Star Wars. This jacket of Cad Bane is double layer jacket with open zig zag shape flaps and open wide collars of second layer. Jacket has the standing collars with front zipper for closure. Jacket also contains two wide flaps more like lapels over the shoulders. Jacket has full slee...